Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Pangsai Club

The Pangsai Club

Hello fellow pangsaiers out there. Despite the stupid CA's we the pangsai club have found time to do something historical. You see, the PSC has a strong and illustrious background that stretches all the way back to 2005, and hence to instill pride and cement loyalty in our glorious club, we have come up with a few theme songs that are sure to rock your ass.

Production of the songs are still in progress, but a few of the titles will be splashed here, to give you a hint of things to come, to give you something to look forward to, perhaps, in your otherwise meaningless life.

1. Super Massive Shit Hole
2. Cubicle
3. Sugar It's Coming Down
4. Mr. Backside

These are songs that have had their lyrics changed to accommodate our vision and aim, and I think when you do hear them you will agree that they sound better than the original.

Till then, stay tuned!

- Wei-Liang


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